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Mission and Vision Statements
The Centennial Trail's mission, since its inception in 1970, is to provide a trail that is safe for users; and to protect and preserve the surrounding pristine environment. The trail was designed for foot traffic - ie hiking, trail running and snowshoeing. The trail is as natural and unencumbered with human made objects as safety will allow.
The Centennial Trail's vision is for its users to uniquely immerse themselves in nature in its purest form. It is a time to connect with our earth and every living creature on it. It is a time to refresh one's soul and be grateful and thankful for the simple and yet complex beauty of the area. It is a time to be curious; to learn about; to increase respect for; and to protect this area for generations to come. We humbly ask that visitors refrain from building additional cairns, inukshuks or log structures in keeping with the natural beauty and vision of the trail.
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